News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!  News Flash!

February 17, 2002

Welcome to the world of the ASG.  As you know the ASG has been around for a long time, and has been one of the leaders in quality simming since 1992!.   A ten year anniversary for us.  I've personally been with the group since 1999 and find the group both friendly but more importantly fun.

This newsletter is going to serve a couple of purposes.  It's going to let you know what's going on in the ASG but also give you resources so you can become a better and more enlightened simmer.

I hope all of you enjoy this first issue of the ASG News Flash.


Captain Ann Johnson

"We think of ourselves as the most powerful beings in the universe. It's unsettling to discover that we're wrong."
... Kirk, "Errand of Mercy," stardate 3210.7..


Since this is a news flash as I like to call it, I would like some input for it's name.  Shall we call it the ASG News Flash?  "The Alliance Post" or something more flashy? If you have a suggestion for the newsletter name, why don't you drop me a line. 

 I'll have the Command staff vote on all entry's and pick the best one.

Can you imagine serving on a ship who's main objective is to get you shot at?  Well this ships motto is. "Lexis - Yes!  You will be shot at!

The Lexis sims on Saturday nights at 10:30 eastern sharp and is run by Lt. Hunter, son of Martok.  A crazy Klingon and his crew, they seem to find all kinds of trouble to run into.  If your thinking that it's time to build a new character this is one sim you won't want to miss.


The ASG website has recently gone through a major remodel.  Things are looking great and more and more information is being added monthly.  If you haven't checked out the site recently, you might want to do it today.

Our featured web page this month is the ASG Information page.  This page is packed full of information for both the new simmer and the old simmer.  It gives a few tips on simming, answers some questions about the ASG, and allows you to step into a sim knowing a little more about the members.
The ASG is currently headed by ASG Vicky although she has a lot of help in and around the ASG.  A new group was recently formed to answer your questions or help you out in any way they can.  These are the ASG mentors if you will.



The ASG is currently headed by ASG Vicky although she has a lot of help in and around the ASG.  A new group was recently formed to answer your questions or help you out in any way they can.  These are the ASG mentors if you will. Don't hesitate to ask these people for help, information or if you just need to chat about something.

Obviously, these aren't the only people you can contact for information, but they are usually around and willing to chat.

The ASG holodeck has been opened for Business!
The ASG holodeck is an out of character room where you can come in and talk to other ASG'ers.  Although I've heard rumors that there are some mutant killer clones running around in there, I'm sure we haven't lost anyone yet to the ASG madness.
So if you just want to hang out, have a few laughs, or just ask a question, feel free to visit at


This is a private room so AIM members can join in on the fun too!

Attention to orders!

   V3 is beginning its new simming command (again!) on Sunday at 2100 EST.  For those of you not in the know, 2100 = 9:00 pm.  Eastern. All cadets are required to attend this sim in order to be promoted to Ensign.  I expect to see a lot of people on V3 Sunday night. 

LtC Freek ASG
  CO. Vengeance 3

If you're looking for a sim filled with lots of interesting aliens who are sometimes more off their rocker than the command staff there's always the Babylon 5 station. Besides the usual Ambassadors there are technomages, telepaths and telekentics. But who could forget the twin captain's or the random dead bodies. For one of the most interesting sims ... Join ASG Vicky as she leads this crazy crew on Friday nights at 9:15 eastern.


This section is dedicated to some of my favorite links!

ASG Main Site


STARTREK.COM:The Official Star Trek Web Site!